San Luis Obispo Wine Trail
The Wineries of San Luis Obispo
Mileage | 33 miles (53 km) |
DurationThe duration is an estimate of a one-way drive and does not include any stops or side-trips. | 39 minutes |
SeasonsThe seasons listed are the best seasons for this scenic drive. If Winter is not mentioned, the road may be closed during the winter. | All Seasons |
Roadways | Biddle Ranch Road, Carpenter Canyon Road, Corbett Canyon Road, Huasana Road, Lopez Drive, and Orcutt Drive |
ServicesThe cities or towns listed have either Food or Services such as gas, pharmacies, etc. | Avila Beach, CA▼, Nipomo, CA▼, Callender, CA▼, Pismo Beach, CA▼, Arroyo Grande, CA▼, Oceano, CA▼, Grover Beach, CA▼, and San Luis Obispo, CA▼ |
Rating | 3.7 average from 25 votes |
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The San Luis Obispo Coastal Wine Trail is just minutes from the college town of San Luis Obispo on the Central Coast of California. This is a region known for its quality Chardonnay and Pinot Noir varietals. Vineyards here benefit from the influence of coastal fog that reaches inland as well as from warm summer days.

Begin at the junctions of Tank Farm Road and Orcutt Road in San Luis Obispo and stay on Orcutt heading south. Orcutt Road can also be accessed from in town at the junction of Broad Street or from Johnson Avenue.
This is a pleasant, rolling hilly course with vineyards and farms on either side of the road. In a short distance you will see the yellow historic 1909 one-room Independence Schoolhouse that is home to the Baileyana-Tangent Winery and Tasting Room. There are a variety of wines to sample here with Pinot Noir and Syrah from the Baileyana label, and white wines from the Tangent label. You can also try Spanish style wines from their new Trenza label, and a German-type Riesling from the Zocker label. Picnic on the patio or play a game of bocce ball on the court overlooking the vineyard.
Just around a bend in the road you will find the entrance to Wolff Vineyards. This sustainable winery specializes in Chardonnay, Syrah and Pinot Noir.
Not far from Wolff is Chamisal Vineyards, which was the first vineyard in this area known as the Edna Valley. Chamisal offers a spacious patio outside of their tasting room for you to relax and enjoy your selections.
Continuing on Orcutt Road, you may glimpse some of the fine Arabian horses as you pass the Varian Arabians Ranch. Varian Arabians is open to visitors weekdays by appointment.
At the end of the road turn left onto Lopez Drive and proceed to the long driveway up to Talley Vineyards & Bishop’s Peak Wines. You will see the historic El Rincón Adobe built in 1863 that was used as the Talley tasting room until 2002. Sample their world-class Chardonnay and Pinot Noir and enjoy the expansive view of the Rincón Vineyard.
Lopez Drive will bring you to the entrance to Lopez Lake County Park (H1). This is a popular spot for fishing, windsurfing, hiking, and bird watching. You may see mule deer browsing the oak studded hillsides and wild turkeys strutting through the acorn rich habitat. Many migratory birds find Lopez Lake a great stopping-off point. Have your camera ready for white pelicans, eared grebes, mergansers, and other waterfowl. Or experience nature up close with a ranger-guided tour on a comfortable pontoon boat.
Retrace your tour back on Lopez Lake Drive to Huasna Road and turn right on Corbett Canyon Road. This is an enjoyable country road that will bring you back to the center of Edna Valley. Corbett Canyon Road turns into Carpenter Canyon Road and here you will come to the entrance to Claiborne & Churchill Vintners. This environmentally conscious establishment features the first “Straw Bale” Winery in California. Wine specialties here are Dry Gewurztraminer and Dry Riesling.
The road becomes Edna Road or CA-227. A short distance away is the Old Edna Townsite, a 100+-year old restored town. The quaint buildings now serve as a hub for the region featuring information, restaurants, accommodations and an art gallery.
At the junction of Biddle Ranch Road turn right to go to Edna Valley Vineyard where you can sample Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet Sauvignon in the Jack Niven Hospitality Center and Tasting Room. Picnic amid the panoramic views of the vineyards and volcanic peaks.
You can continue on Biddle Ranch Road back to Orcutt Road and into San Luis Obispo or go back to CA-227 that turns into Broad Street in San Luis Obispo.
From here, consider heading north on Highway 1 to Big Sur Scenic Drive or the Morro Bay Scenic Drive.
Other Nearby Places of Interests
Oceano Dunes State Recreation Area (W1): Formerly known as the Pismo Dunes, the Oceano Dunes State Recreation Area feature the most extensive coastal dunes in California. Walking the trails is a great way to explore the beauty of the shifting shapes and shadows of the dunes. Swimming, surfing and camping are also available. At the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, dunes are open for off-road and four-wheel-drive vehicles, and passenger cars can easily drive on the northern portion of the beach. Pick up a map to make sure you avoid the areas that are not permitted.